It breaks my heart and hurts my soul to hear of all the tragedies here in our own county as well as around the world.
I don't want to diminish the importance of the stories they tell because, I feel for the families and friends who are living these stories.
I want to include some additional uplifting, inspirational & hopeful stories for you to read each day.
If you have any questions or you are going through something that you would like to talk about this is the place to do so. If you would like, you can add your e-mail if you don't want us to reply on our blog.
We are a Christian family and we believe that we are all here to help each other, even in the smallest of ways. Sometimes we just need to hear that it will be ok, that we just need to be patient or maybe just writing it down will be what it takes.
Whatever it may be, we are here for you!
Sent out with our Blessings!
Peace and Love
Inspirational quote of the day
Live life well!
Don't wait or put off making the
memories you can make today.
Let only one person speak at a time, then all of you will learn
something and be encouraged.