Copper Brass & Glass Schott Gen set of 4 Schott Gen Copper and Glass Cups - Jenaer Glas Coffee Cups This 4 cups are so beautiful. You can take the glass cup out to clean. We found these yesterday when we were out and about, what a find!

Thank you again for stopping in. If you would like to see more photos and information you can visit my secure shop on Etsy, faithnhope10
Thank you again for stopping in. If you would like to see more photos and information you can visit my secure shop on Etsy, faithnhope10
Sorry this Fire King Fruit Cup has SOLD
Philbe Sapphire Blue Depression Glass - Fire King Oven Glass Fruit Cup ~ $10.00

Wedding Gift Ideas ~ Gorham Crystal Footed Candle Holder - Chantilly Collection
What a perfect Wedding Gift for the happy couple. This is a piece they can pass on to generations to come.
This is a stunning Handcut Crystal Footed Pillar Candle Holder, Handcut. It measures 4" x 4" and is 3" tall and is in perfect condition and has a hefty weight to it. It looks as though it has never even been used.
Vintage Gorham Crystal Footed Candle Holder - Chantilly Collection~ $25.00
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Vintage Gorham Crystal Footed Candle Holder - Chantilly Collection~ $25.00
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Vintage Gold Trim Glass Cruet Decanter Set with 6 footed Glasses
We found this elegant Gold Trimmed Cruet Decanter with 6 Footed Glasses. There are no marking so I have not come across any information on these pieces. I wish I knew the year. It is so beautiful with no chips or cracks. This is a set to display or use for a special occasion.
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Vintage Collectible Glass Decanter / Carafe, Handled Liquor Bottle
STUNNING Starburst Marigold Carnival Glasses
I wish the camera could capture the true beauty of these cups! But, if you know Carnaval Glass you know how they look in your hands! The pieces measure 4" tall x 2" across. They are cut glass with a diamond pattern on the feet and a starburst pattern on the glass. They are in great condition with no chips or cracks.
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`~~*`~~*`~~* Faithnhope10 `~~*`~~*`~~
Vintage Glass 8 inch Cowboy - Cowgirl Mug ~ $16.00
I have found several 6" Boot mugs, but haven't come across the 8".
I think this would be a cute idea for a soon to be bride's bachelorette or the groom's bachelor party. You don't HAVE to be from Texas to fall in love with this really fun 8" cowboy / cowgirl boot mug. Or it could just be used as a vase.
Please click below for additonal photos and information on how to purchase this gift at my Etsy shop:
Vintage Footed Juice Glasses, American Pattern Set of 4 ~ $18.75
Anchor Hocking OJ pitcher and 2 Green glasses
~~~~Vintage Lake Shore Honey Server Glass Bottle ~~~~
~~~~Vintage Lake Shore Honey Server Glass Bottle ~~~~
Termocrisa Milk Glass Cups - Number 13
Termocrisa Milk Glass Cups - Number 13
Europa Green Glass ~ Vintage Vase
Collectible Avon Glass Vase, or maybe a Candle Holder ~$7.00
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Harvest Grape Indiana Green Carnival Glass Footed Fruit Cup - This vintage piece is a must for any Carnival Glass Collector!
Off to the WonderWorks Science Museum! But, I first wanted to share our lasted find. This is such a beautiful piece of Green Carnival Glass. I love the iridescent shine! I happened to catch my husband's eye so he grabbed it.

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Please click below to enter my shop, faithnhope10. You will see additional photos and information.
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